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Ad Net Zero Ireland: Pathway to Progress – Sustainability Summit

Wednesday 01 May
08:30 - 08:30

Event Description

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We are delighted to invite you to the inaugural Ad Net Zero Summit in Ireland, taking place on Wednesday, May 1st in Dublin. 

Join us for a morning of positive change, where we discuss the role of sustainability in advertising campaigns and present the opportunities that exist for the entire industry when we come together to collaborate on a better way of working.

This is an opportunity to hear from members of the commercial, communication and creative community, who are already navigating this path and driving positive change for our industry through the Ad Net Zero framework.

The MC for the morning event is Shane McGonigle, CEO of Marketing Institute Ireland. Our speakers from media and creative agencies, social media platforms, and global brands will present the positive implications for marketing professionals when they embrace a sustainability ethos on every aspect of producing and running a campaign for a client.

Whether you’re involved in production, media planning, ad creation, event management, or crafting impactful campaigns for your client or customer, this event promises practical guidance on how to do this through a sustainability lens.

This event is focused on the ‘How to’ approach by showing real-life, actionable strategies on integrating a sustainability policy into each campaign. It is a must-attend for anyone working in advertising across brands, agencies and media owners.

Through the Ad Net Zero Pathway to Progress event, you will:

  • see how our industry is moving quickly to embrace change and hear how agencies are making this happen with tools now available.
  • learn about the potential challenges facing marketers looking to integrate a sustainably led campaign, and how to deal with these.
  • view the results of case studies from brands and agencies who have run sustainability-led campaigns in order to precisely measure the carbon and financial impact of doing things differently.
  • understand the guidelines of running a campaign that promotes the sustainable attributes of a product, while avoiding Greenwashing and Greenhushing.
  • learn about the small changes that can have an immediate impact on your business and your campaigns, even if you don’t have a full sustainable agenda in place yet.
  • hear of the positive implications on brand perceptions when marketing professionals embrace a sustainability ethos in their everyday marketing activities.
  • learn about the actionable things that you can adapt into everyday activities today, that will affect positive change for your business tomorrow.

You will also:

  • learn about the resources and training open to you as an Ad Net Zero supporter.
  • find out more about the Ad Net Zero framework and how you can use it to increase employee, stakeholder and customer engagement.
  • engage in networking and connect with fellow industry peers who share your commitment to the Ad Net Zero Pathway to Progress
  • investigate networking opportunities to connect and collaborate with fellow industry peers who share your commitment to the Ad Net Zero Pathway to Progress.

We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, May 1st.

You can find more information regarding the event here.

Members should log in to book tickets to ensure the best price and experience.

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Event Venue
Custom House Quay, North Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland
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