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Non-Member: Persuasive Writing: Crafting High-Impact Marketing

Experience two mornings of transformative learning on February 14th and 21st, guided by renowned expert Kathy Foley. Delve into an online course packed with essential tools for impactful copywriting, empowering you to craft high-impact, persuasive content.

Upon completion, master the art of identifying key elements for persuasive writing, tailoring your messaging for diverse audiences, and articulating your brand’s value proposition. Open to all, regardless of prior experience, this inclusive program invites MII Members and Non-members alike.

Join us from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for these engaging sessions conducted online. Enroll now to elevate your writing skills—fees: Non-Members €650. See below for payment options and if you have any inquiries, please email Payment must be received in full in order to enter the online training.

Sharpen your narrative craft under Kathy Foley’s expert guidance and join a community of passionate learners.


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